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Loyal squawkers

Pikibeaks are a semi-popular pet in Voeelk society.


Anatomy and Behaviour

Small and bird-like, with hollow bones and bat-like wings that are large in relation to their body size, Pikibeaks are extremely capable flyers, able to stay air- borne for long periods of time with ease!

They are very social creatures, often living in small-to-medium sized family groups in the wild, where individuals will establish close bonds amongst themselves.

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Due to their wings being broader than they are long, pikibeaks are not the fastest of fliers, however, they are very agile and can turn on a dime in flight.

​Pikibeaks are extremely intelligent, their smarts often being compared to those of a very young eelk. They are also relatively long-lived, with many individuals raised in captivity being recorded to make it to their sixties, but it is rumored that some have lived even longer.


Pikibeaks can appear in a wide variety of colors! In the wild, they tend to be more monochromatic, with off-white and one standout accent color. Pikibeaks bred in captivity usually come in much more diverse hues, though exceptions to both rules are not uncommon. Pikibeak colors are never very saturated, and while they can have a variety of markings, more elaborate ones such as swirls are exclusively found on captive-bred animals.

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They are often seen sharing food with each other, their diet consisting of fruit, seeds, fungi, and the occasional small animal.


Special Abilities

It was once thought that to hear a group of pikibeaks sing is to hear the approach of a terrible disaster, and for a long time, pikibeaks were feared as omens of bad luck. It is now known that this is not the case, Pikibeaks are very sensitive to small changes in atmospheric pressure, and will often sing loudly if there is a thunderstorm approaching. Many pikibeak owners will take advantage of this and pay attention to how vocal their pet is, as lots of singing can be a sign of nasty weather.


Pikibeaks are also capable of detecting trace amounts of certain poisons that are deadly to Voeelks. The colored rings on their beaks will turn black when in contact with any deadly substance. Due to this, many rich and powerful voeelks will often keep a pikibeak handy to test their drinks (this does not hurt the pikibeak, as they posses a strong tolerance to poisons and will only suffer ill effects if they purposely ingest the substance in large amounts.)



Opinions over pikibeaks in Voeelk society differ greatly between individuals. For every voeelk that finds pikibeaks to be ugly and unkempt, there are just as many that find their awkward, scraggly appearance to be endearing, and even adorable! For the voeelk who may be considering bringing a pikibeak into their home, be ready for a pet that squawks, beeps, sheds and bites. But also be ready for a smart and affectionate friend that will love you unconditionally. It is easy to see why pikibeak enthusiasts hold their companions so dear.

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