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How to progress in age

Growing Voeelk is an important step in opening up many new opportunities such as learning magic, breeding and quests!

While it is not a mandatory task to grow up your Voeelk and you can keep them in any stage for as long as you like, we do recommend growing them eventually in order to access more of the groups potential!

There are three stages of growth

Baby - Eelk

Teen - Vick

Adult - Volk

Eelks must be at least 2 months old before they can grow to the Vick stage and have at least 5 coloured images (cannot include the baby application), these can be partial or full-bodied! Though again, you can keep them as a baby for as long as you like.

However, to grow to a fully grown adult, you must have your Vick be in its teen stage for a minimum of one month and have three Fullbody coloured images, you cannot wait for your Eelk to be 5 months old and immediately grow it into an adult.


Vick stage

Vick is the equivalent of a teen stage, a Voeelk grows in height and becomes lanky and awkward. Its tail becomes longer and the ears uncurl slightly as well as gaining an extra vent on its side.

At this age, Vicks are able to use their void magic to store items as well as try basic magics but get over heated quickly so are unable to learn them properly. 

Vicks must remain in this stage for a minimum of one month. 
They are unable to grow adult upgrades yet but they are able to change stances, in this age bracket, Vicks can start to stand upright and learn to walk on two legs. Though they can chop and change between bipedal and quadruped so it is a good time to learn which form best suites your Vick. 


Volk quad stage

Volks are the adult stage of the species where they fill out completely and gain their stance 
As an adult, your Volk is able to begin learning magic, participating in quests and breed.


Volk bipedal stage

And here is the example of a bipedal!


Question: But what if I want to change the stance of my Voeelk?
Answer: You are more then welcome to draw your Voeelk in either stance, we won't growl at you for drawing your characters on all fours or upright when your app was the opposite. Just remember that quad stance has more muscular legs and are more barrel chested compared to bipedal which have thick lower legs and thinner arms.

Though again, you are free to draw them as you wish!

How To Progress In Ages: Inventory

Getting your grow application Approved


Teen and Adult anatomy differences

The biggest difference between age groups are the following.
Tail - Baby have small short tails, Teens are medium length, Adults have the long tail.
Ears - Baby have tightly curled ears, Teens are starting to open, Adults have opened ears that droop slightly.
Vents - As Voeelk get older, they gain extra vents in order to facilitate magic. Vicks have one extra on their side and Volks have two extra on their side.


Posting for approval

​In order to grow your Voeelk, You require a specific number of images in each stage.

You require 5 coloured images in the Eelk stage to grow to a Vick. These can be partials or fullbodies.

To grow to an adult, you need 3 fullbody coloured images in the Teen stage.

Once you have drawn up the app, submit it to your account just like the baby app.

You need to add in the following information into the description:
Approval Image: (LINK)

5 images: (For Vick)

3 Fullbody images: (For Volk)

Then post the link to the respective channels on discord.

growth errors.png


From here, a mod will review your app via DeviantART comments and check that all anatomy, colour, and placement rules have been correctly followed. If changes need to be made to the app, the mod will comment on the deviation with a list of edits that need to be made. Once your app is approved, congratulations! Your Voeelk has officially grown up!

Edit examples


1) The tail is too long in this example, it should be a medium length between the adult and baby.

2) There are 2 vents on the side when teens should only have 1.

3) The ears are completely curled, in the teen stage, the ears begin to open up!

4) The thumb is on the wrong side of the nubbin and should be on the inside.

5) Voeelk have 3 toes and sometimes a thumb depending on if they have that change applied. They do not have 4 toes however.



1) Similar to the teens, the ears shouldn't be curled, instead with the adults they should be opened completely.

2) Changes should not be applied when growing your Voeelk, this goes with both the teen and adult. You can apply them before or after but not during.

3) The tail is too short here, the tail should be longer then the teens, about the length of the body (not including the head)

4) Adults have 2 vents on their sides!

How To Progress In Ages: Inventory

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